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EPA has stopped using single use plastics!

16 July 2018

The Waste Management Regulation (2013/R-58) implemented by the EPA encourages minimizing and reducing waste in everyday life. Under this principle, EPA has being taking measures to minimize generation of non recycabe waste at the workplace. In this spirit EPA have stopped using single use plastics focusing mainly on plastic bags, plastic cups, plates, utensils, as well as water bottles and other food items packaged in plastic containers. This decision was officially put in place on 4th July 2018 by Director General, Mr. Ibrahim Naeem. This initiative encourages all our staff to make environmentally conscious decisions by habit, and help raise awareness through personal decisions.

Plastic litter not only negates the aesthetic value of our environment, but also subsequently get broken down into micro-plastics which contaminate both marine and terrestrial ecosystems, affecting human health along with it.

Our hope is that other government and non-government institutions will follow and help our effort in reducing single use plastic at work place.

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