file_download EIA for the Proposed Agricultural Project in Funandhoo, Gaafu Alifu Atoll
file_download First Addendum EIA for Coastal Protection Works in Th Kandoodhoo
file_download EIA for the proposed Establishment of an Integrated Water Management System in HDh. Nolhivaranfaru
file_download EIA for the proposed Establishment of an Integrated Water Management System in Sh. Foakaidhoo
file_download EIA for the Proposed Geotechnical Studies at Thilafushi Lagoon, Kaafu Atoll
file_download EIA for Estabishment of an Integrated Water Management System in R.Maduvvari
file_download EIA for the Proposed Jetty in V.Fulidhoo
file_download EIA for the Proposed Seagrass Removal at Maafaru Island, Noonu Atoll
file_download EIA for the Jetty Development Project at M.Raiymandhoo
file_download EIA for the construction of IWMC at Ha.Uligam
file_download EIA for the Proposed Hulhule-Hulhumale Connecting Link Road Development Project
file_download EIA for the Road Development roject HA.Dhihdhoo
file_download EIA for the Proposed Island Access and Jetty Construction at B.Fulhandhoo Island
file_download EIA for the Island Access Jetty Reconstruction at Adh.Mandhoo
file_download EIA for the Hulhule- Hulhumale link road
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Aishath Amjidha (Uza.)
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+960 333 5949