file_download EIA for Sheet Piling in Hawks Land in K.Thilafushi
file_download EIA for the Construction and Setup of a Sewerage System at N.Landhoo Island (Part 2)
file_download EIA for the Construction and Setup of a Sewerage System at N.Landhoo Island (Part 1)
file_download EIA for Reclamation of 15 Hectaresof Land at K.Thilfushi for Development of Regional Waste Management Facility for Zone 3
file_download EIA for the proposed commercial Sand mining project at Fushidhiggarufalhu
file_download EIA for the Construction and Setup of Sewerage System in Maavah Island, Laamu Atoll
file_download EIA for the Proposed Airport Development Project at Noonu, Maafaru (part 2)
file_download EIA for Reclamation of 15 Hectaresof Land at K.Thilafushi for Development of Regional Waste Management Facility for Zone 3
file_download EIA for the Proposed Mixed Residential Apartment Building ( The Garderns) at Hulhumale'
file_download EIA of the proposed residential apartment building in Plot C4-2, Hulhumale'
file_download EMP for Waste Management Center for L.Hithadhoo
file_download EIA for the Propopsed 14 Storey Building Construction at G.Noomaraage Aage
file_download EMP for Waste Management Center for L.Kalaidhoo
file_download EMP for Waste Management Center for L.Maamendhoo Island
file_download EMP for Waste Management Centre for L. Mundoo
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Aishath Amjidha (Uza.)
Legal Officer
+960 333 5949